FISH! Committee

What is Fish!?

What is Fish!?
FISH! Quotes 2005
'05 Quotes Alphabetical
FISH! Quotes 2006
'06 Quotes Alphabetical


FISH!™ principles - infuse the workplace and your team with energy, passion and a positive attitude.

The FISH! Committee boosts morale which in turn inspires the department to  provide great customer service while maintaining an atmosphere of constant innovation and powerful performance.

The 3 main commitments for continued success: Find IT, Live IT, Coach IT, where the “IT” is each employee’s own personal vision, found within the overall vision of the business.

Based on the real Pike Place Fish market in Seattle, Washington where the fishmongers throw fish to each other, making their work fun, improving their energy and morale while attracting crowds of customers who also buy fish. Fish is "a powerful parable that will help you love the work you do; even if you can't always do the work you love."


CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE - "There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself." Fish, p. 37.

MAKE THEIR DAY -  If you make someone's day, it will have a big ripple effect on many people. Try making a list of five people in your life. Within a week, do something to make the day of each person on your list. Then repeat it. Bonus! Put 10 people on your list! Give compliments, send thank you notes, teach someone something, send cards and don't sign them. One person at the conference baked for her car dealer and got some great deals on a car.

BE PRESENT - Be fully present. How many times do we talk on the phone and answer an email or daydream while someone is talking?

PLAY -  this is the most difficult one to do at work. The book, Fish, is not really about throwing fish. It's about finding ways to have fun at work so you become more energetic and you boost the morale of your workplace. Generate fun every day.

"Benefits of play: Happy people treat others well. Fun leads to creativity. The time passes quickly. Having a good time is healthy; work becomes a reward and not just a way to rewards." Fish, p. 88.

FISH! by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christansen. Hyperion, 2000.

* Play * Make Their Day * Be There * Choose Your Attitude *